Bec McGuinness


Based in Brisbane, Bec is a Mum to 2 daughters, a wife to Andrew and an identical twin. Bec loves to inspire, teach, and help others to save time in and around mealtimes and dinner decision making.

​A School Teacher for 12 years, Bec loves being in the kitchen and has a strong passion for simplifying mealtimes and food preparation with a focus on your family’s health.

Recipe creation, lunchboxes, meal planning and time saving kitchen hacks are all part of what Bec shares with her engaged community.

Bec also shares the ups and downs of her motherhood journey. She loves showing her audience how to not overcomplicate being in the kitchen, juggling motherhood and involving her daughters in their cooking fun. 


90 Day Reach - Post

90 Day Reach - Reel

90 Day Reach - Story





Age Range

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